Tom Foos

Design Consultant at Josh Landscape Co.

Tom is from Rochester and studied International Business at the University of Buffalo, then learned landscape design at the Anna Grisham School. Tom's love for landscaping started early – he helped out with his family's garden at just 9 years old and kept at it through high school and college. Now Tom has grown his skillset from hands-on work to managing outdoor projects and creating beautiful landscape designs.

Why did Tom join us at Josh Landscape? Simple – he wanted to work with people who love landscaping as much as he does. And our great reputation sealed the deal. Tom's favorite part of his job? Seeing a landscape project evolve from idea to reality.

Outside of work, Tom is all about family and staying active. He raised two kids and now that they're grown, he enjoys staying active with swimming, biking, and running. Tom and his wife, together for 27 years, are looking forward to more adventures together.

Tom’s Projects:

Show your brand.

Make it shine.